March 9th PPC Show and Tell + Motion Blur Challenge

Hello, Club Members!

PIEDMONT PHOTO CLUB – March 9th Show & Tell + Challenge


We will have a remote Show and Tell meeting on Tuesday, March 9th at 7:00pm. This Show and Tell event includes a ‘creative challenge’, allowed as part or all of your four submissions. The creative challenge for this event is ‘motion blur’ and must be a photograph shot during the period spanning February 14, 2021 and the March 5th submission date. The motion blur image submissions must be created in-camera, as the image is captured, not as a part of post-processing. Please submit your photos by the end of Friday, March 5th.

Further details about submissions this month: You can submit a total of four images this month, in any combination of motion-blur challenge images or non-challenge show and tell photos. Thus, all four of your photos can be challenge photos, or only some of the four, or none of them, as you choose. Any non-challenge (show and tell) photos can be photos exposed up to 5 years ago. Again, the motion-blur challenge photo must be recent, shot on or since February 14, as noted in the recent email from Bill.

We will meet using the online meeting platform Zoom, as we have been doing. You can use a computer, phone, or tablet to join a meeting. If you are using your phone you may want to download the Zoom app, but you do not need to create an account to participate in a Zoom meeting. Bill Cowden will send out a link to the zoom meeting closer to our meeting date.  5-10 minutes before the start of the meeting click on the link and follow the instructions

E-mail images to and put PPC March 9 S+T in the subject header. Use the same file naming and sizing conventions used for contests.  Deadline for submissions is the end of Friday, March 5th.

Our Zoom meetings have been engaging and lively! We hope to see you on Tuesday, March 9 at 7:00! Please let us know if you have any questions.